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St. Joseph Council 7528 Email Alias'
What is an email Alias?

An email alias is an easy way to consistently send email to the appropriate individuals in a Domain without knowing their personal email address. For instance, if I want to send email to my Deputy Grand Knight, I send it to I can send email to that address all the time and it will always get to the Current Deputy Grand Knight for Council 7528 (even when that DGK changes). All of our aliases are to be used with the Domain, i.e.
We currently support the following email aliases:

Office Alias
Adopt-a-Road Chairman road
Advocate advocate
Art Auction Chairman artauction
Blue Mass Chairman bluemass
Bulletin Editor editor
Chairmen, all chairmen
Chancellor chancellor
Chaplain chaplain
Church Program Chairman church
Community Garden Chairman garden
Community Program Chairman community
Council Program Chairman council
Crab Feed Chairman crab
Cross & Compass Editor candc
Cross & Compass Editor crossandcompass
Deputy Grand Knight dgk
District Deputy, District 12 dd
Donut Chairman donut
Event Set-Up Chairman event
Fall Festival Chairman festival
Family Program Chairman family
Financial Secretary fs
First Degree Team team1
First Degree Team Captain 1dtc
Fish Fry Chairman fish
Fourth Degree Assembly Faithful Navigator fourth
General Program Director program
Good of the Order Chairman goodoftheorder
Grand Knight gk
Grand Knight grandknight
Health Chairman health
Immediate Past Grand Knight ipgk
Information Chairman info
Inside Guard ig
Insurance Agent agent
Insurance Promotion Chairman insurance
Jacket Chairman jacketman
Kegerator Chairman kegerator
Kitchen Chairman kitchen
Ladies Night Chairman ln
Lecturer lecturer
Membership Chairman membership
Membership Team memberteam
Nativity House Breakfast Chairman nhb
Officers, all officers
Outside Guard og
Past Grand Knights pgks
Pro-Life Chairman prolife
Public Relations Chairman pr
Recorder recorder
Retention Committee retention
Rosary Chairman rosary
Second & Third Degree Facilitator facilitator
Sound Alliance Chairman sa
Squires Counselor counselor
Squires Counselor squires
St. Vincent de Paul Society society
Tootsieroll Chairman tootsieroll
Treasurer treasurer
Trustee for 1 Year trustee1
Trustee for 2 Years trustee2
Trustee for 3 Years trustee3
Trustees, all trustees
Usher Chairman usher
Ushers, all ushers
Vocations Chairman vocations
Warden warden
Webmaster webmaster
Youth Program Chairman youth
Grand Knights Notes
Please take the time to look through our new website!
  • Our general business meetings are the first Tuesday of every month at 7:30pm in Room A with a Rosary at 7:00pm.