Joe Wolleat, Grand Knight - 2012-2013
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Council Officers for
Fraternal Year 2010-2011

Fr. Bill McKee

Grand Knight
Cary Wright

Deputy Grand Knight
Craig Patrick

Joe Wolleat

Jim Robinson

Inside Guard
Jeff Vargo

Outside Guard
Bobby Lopez

Don Miller

Financial Secretary
Tim Philomeno

Edmund Molina

Bill Thomas

Glenn Martin

Trustee for One Year
Mike Fay

Trustee for Two Years
Ken Baune

Immediate Past
Grand Knight and
Trustee for Three Years
Jeff Markwith

Insurance Agent
Ron Scholz

This page last updated on 10/21/2010
Council Notes:

First Degree followed by the Planning Meeting on Tuesday, May 15th, in room "A" starting at 7:00 PM.

Nativity House breakfast. Meet at St. Vincent's Youth Center at 7:50 AM on Saturday, May 19th, and carpool to Nativity House in Tacoma. Contact the Nativity House Breakfast Chairman for more information.

General Meeting on Tuesday, June 5th, in the South Narthex with Rosary in the Chapel at 7:00 PM.

All of these events are worthy of your support. Volunteer and/or participate.

Come and get involved....

Webmaster: Kevin Buck, PGK