Joe Wolleat, Grand Knight - 2012-2013
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Squire Circle 4571
Apostle Circle

Chief Squire
James Lezcano

Deputy Chief Squire
Matt LaVere

Danny Vogt

P.J. D'Angelo

To contact the Squire Officers,
Send email to Webmaster

The Columbian Squires is an organization of more than 20,000 young men who have fun and share their Catholic faith, help people in need, and enjoy the company of friends in social, family, athletic, cultural, civic and spiritual activities. As a Squire, you'll be a member of one of more than 1,300 "circles" located throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, the Philippines, the Caribbean, and other places where Knights of Columbus councils are located. Every circle is sponsored by a Knights of Columbus council, and Knights serve as adult counselors to the group.
A Squires circle is designed to be run both by and for young men. Through their local circle, Squires work and socialize as a group of friends, gradually developing into Catholic leaders.
Squires graduating from the program at age 18 are eligible for college and vocations scholarships offered by the Knights of Columbus Supreme Council office. They are urged to join the Knights to continue their commitment to Columbianism.
If you are a Catholic young man, 10 to 18 years old, you should be a member of the Columbian Squires!

Apostle Circle #4571
Columbian Squires Counselor
Eddie Cooper

Council Notes:

First Degree followed by the Planning Meeting on Tuesday, May 15th, in room "A" starting at 7:00 PM.

Nativity House breakfast. Meet at St. Vincent's Youth Center at 7:50 AM on Saturday, May 19th, and carpool to Nativity House in Tacoma. Contact the Nativity House Breakfast Chairman for more information.

General Meeting on Tuesday, June 5th, in the South Narthex with Rosary in the Chapel at 7:00 PM.

All of these events are worthy of your support. Volunteer and/or participate.

Come and get involved....

Webmaster: Kevin Buck, PGK